Office de Tourisme Alsace Rhin Brisach

Tearoom Patisserie Birké

  • Salon de thé Birké

  • Salon de thé Birké

  • Salon de thé Birké

  • Salon de thé Birké

  • Salon de thé Birké

Traditional patisserie situated on the Place d’Armes where alsacien specialities are offerd : cakes, sweets, chocolates, ice-creams, roasted coffee beans. Tearoom service and little restaurant. Tree shaded terrace on the Place d’Armes .

  • Opening times

    Closed :

    summer + winter: 7am-6pm open on Monday morning, market dayhiver
  • Capacity

    At restaurant : 40 people
    On the terrace : 30 people
  • Specialties

    Crêpe shop
  • Equipments and services


    Terrace Air conditioning

    Practical services

    Group reception
  • Parking

    Free parking for cars
  • Rates

    Payment methods

    Credit card